The adair method
Efficient. Data-driven. Objective.
01. Software-based
We have automated everything in our processes that software can do better than humans.
Our behavior mining system is not only faster, but also more thorough: it will spot complex patterns that even experienced experts will tend to miss.
02. Efficient
The average project cost with us is 20% of a comparable project with conventional management consultancies that work "manually". To us, it is a mystery why not all consultancies run their own software like we do. It's just so much more economical, faster, and effective.
Our success proves us right: the effectiveness of our recommendations is currently at 91% across all projects.
Since we look at your situation on a team-specific basis, we know which activities make sense and which can be skipped. This reduces costs and shortens the time it takes to achieve the desired results by up to 50 %.
03. Scientific
The cultural consulting market is flooded with colorful and attractive models of human behavior that oversimplify the complex realities of team dynamics and relationships.
At the same time, the real researchers have been studying and structuring them for decades. We have our very own evidence-based science for this: sociology.
Based on hundreds of thousands of studies with millions of participants across the globe, we know exactly which characteristics of teams are decisive for what. We know how to measure this and what then needs to be done.
The team
Ivor Beck
Ivor is an expert in organizational sociology and has advised both businesses and government agencies on complicated change, data-driven decision-making and efficiency issues since 2003. He has founded several successful companies that bring behavioral science into organizational practice.
Knut Alex
CFO / Senior Change Consultant
Knut has over 20 years of experience as a decision-maker in industry and the financial sector. His focus is the combination of cultural and technical innovation: He has built up insurance companies for two well-known corporations abroad and has more than ten years of experience as CFO, COO and CEO.